Unpopular opinions? I’ve got ’em.

I hesitate a bit in posting this, but what the heck – I think it explains it a lot of problems I have interacting with other writers. See, I’m not quiet about how I don’t fit in the writing community very well. I have opinions, and while I’m quiet about them, I always feel a little (ok, a lot) left out when people start talking about things I just can’t identify with. They say the world would be boring if we were all the same…I say it would be a better place if I could find people who agreed with me just a little bit.

Unfortunately, those people don’t exist. And here’s why – because I think things like the following:

  1. You don’t need to plot or outline before starting a book.
  2. Self-publishing should not be your last resort.
  3. Cliffhangers are of the devil, usually a blatant money grab.
  4. You don’t need to write every day to finish a book.
  5. Adverbs are awesome, useful things.
  6. There needs to be more adult space opera out there.
  7. I lose a bit of respect for authors who use initials to hide their sex.
  8. It’s totally ok to dog-ear books.
  9. Because it’s about the words, not the container.
  10. Ebooks are awesome.
  11. Paperbacks smell nasty.
  12. Hating romance is generally due to misogyny.
  13. Hyped books are usually hyped because they can’t stand on their own.
  14. A lack of professional editing in an indie book is evident.
  15. Harry Potter is overrated.
  16. No author should be silenced because of their identity/opinions.
  17. Humor is a poor substitute for an actual plot and character development.
  18. Publishers don’t actually have any idea what I want to read.
  19. Give me a single POV over multiple any day.
  20. Multiple POV’s are too often used to cover poor craft (especially plotting).
  21. Close third isn’t that hard to write.
  22. It’s ok to think YA books are unrealistic…because they are.
  23. Only reading male protagonists isn’t actually a preference, it’s misogyny.
  24. Character agency is overrated and too often leads to stupid decisions.
  25. I wish more authors would shut up about politics on social media.

I know what you’re thinking. But you put in links! People do agree with you!

Yes. Except they’re minority opinions.

And that sucks. More than you know.

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