So first, a disclaimer: None of these examples come from any of the indie authors I know personally. Most are from books I read before I started writing--that I can't even remember the titles of--and the remainder are books I've run across while perusing Amazon for something interesting to read. And here we go. For … Continue reading 10 reasons I put down your book
When solutions backfire
I really miss writing. Like, a lot. So while I've been on this break, I did what people suggested--I decided to use this time to read. I asked for suggestions, I cruised Amazon, and I googled. I wanted to read some mainstream bestsellers, just to prove to myself that I could write written-to-market novels and … Continue reading When solutions backfire
Book Review: Unbroken Fire
Head on over to Sarah's blog for the latest review of Unbroken Fire!
News & a rant about hobby writing
First, I've mentioned this a few places, but I just can't keep my mouth shut any longer. Asrian Skies was released almost a year, and on September 17, I've got some exciting news for its birthday. Want a hint? Here you go: I'm pretty excited about this, so make sure you check my Facebook page … Continue reading News & a rant about hobby writing
Why you won’t find my books on Kindle Unlimited
2019 update: I won't go into every situation in detail, but around the time I posted this last year, the issues with KU exploded, and I can add another reason: KU is a scammers playground. Just check out the following links...all these are made possible by KU's business model. https:/// Plain and simple, … Continue reading Why you won’t find my books on Kindle Unlimited