For the one month anniversary of Unbroken Fire, I'm answering more questions about my books, my writing process, and Asrian Skies world! This post is one of the few I've actually scheduled, because right now I'm attending my first writing conference--the fabulous Realm Makers. What’s your world building process? Worldbuilding isn't a separate process for … Continue reading You asked, I answered (part 2)
Is all self-publishing vanity?
The title isn't meant to be controversial, but perhaps it is. And controversy or not, it's something I struggle with. We talk about vanity publishing a lot--those companies who prey on writers, charging sometimes tens of thousands of dollars for nothing more than putting a book on Amazon, promising best-seller status. If only the writer … Continue reading Is all self-publishing vanity?
A Chat with Author Anne Wheeler
My awesome critique partner and I chatted about Unbroken Fire and Chase. Visit her blog to read!
Unbroken Fire – Anne Wheeler
Hop over and visit The Bibliophagist for another review!
700+ days of writing
On June 4, 2016 (as best I can find), I wrote the first words to the story that would become Asrian Skies. I didn't know anything except there was a story trying to force itself out of my brain. I had no idea. I had no idea that two years later, I'd have written 298,000+ words, 3 … Continue reading 700+ days of writing