I'm not really sure how to start this blog post. In fact, I'm posting it as insurance, so I suppose the best thing to do is simply copy the email I sent to Havok Publishing on January 26, 2023. In 2021, Abigail Falanga beta read the opening of my novel Vortex, which I subsequently published … Continue reading Imitation is not the sincerest form of flattery
Author: admin
2022 recap
I guess I'm supposed to do one of these, though to be honest, it's pretty depressing to look back at how little I accomplished last year. I could lie and say it was because I was busy getting back to living, but that wouldn't be the truth. The fact is, I spent most 2022 trying … Continue reading 2022 recap
Realm Makers 2022 recap
Well, here's the blog post I didn't want to write: the Realm Makers 2022 recap. I was pretty excited to get to Atlantic City a few weeks ago, if only because I’ve been traveling a bit more lately, and visiting a new place felt rather appealing. It didn’t hurt that I’d flown out the Saturday … Continue reading Realm Makers 2022 recap
When Future Technology Isn’t
Over the past few weeks, as I've been going through The Brightest Void and adding those last details that really breathe life into a story, I've noticed something a little strange. No, it’s not the vampires. (Ok, maybe it’s partly the vampires.) It’s the design of my starship. Though it’s not always explicit in the … Continue reading When Future Technology Isn’t
2021 recap
Whoa, is it really time for the annual recap? I suppose time flies and crawls at the same time when you're basically stuck in your house, huh? Anyway, in the second year of my suspended life, I: - published Queen's Crown, the final novella in my low fantasy trilogy - combined the three novellas into … Continue reading 2021 recap