I did not want to go to this writing conference. Let me say that again: I did not want to go. This is pretty strange to admit, since many know I'd spent most of June of last year stamping my feet about how I couldn't go to Realm Makers 2020, that my trip to Atlantic … Continue reading Realm Makers 2021 recap
Mid-Year Writing Update
The good Queen's Crown is ready for copyediting! Yes, I'm so excited about this that I'm just going to jump into the update with zero fanfare. It even has a cover, which you can see in my Facebook group. I'm not going to say this series has been a thorn in my side, because it … Continue reading Mid-Year Writing Update
Treason’s Crown Turns One!
It's so weird that the story I never intended to write is a year old today. It's even stranger that the standalone novella had turned into the trilogy that should be be finished up later this year - Queen's Crown just needs copy editing and a new map (which I am super excited about). And … Continue reading Treason’s Crown Turns One!
Yes, I’m Jealous of My Characters
Last spring, when the world was convinced Covid-19 had a 3% mortality rate and that we’d catch if we so much as stepped out on our front porches, I started a story. A rather random story in my Shadows of War world about a military reservist who’s captured after crashing on an enemy-held planet. There’s … Continue reading Yes, I’m Jealous of My Characters
When Life Doesn’t Imitate Art
I flew an airplane today. I'm still kind of in awe of this. It's strange to fly as a pilot in 2021, when, for all intents and purposes, I can't fly as an airline passenger. It's even stranger to be at the controls again when I'd all but given up hope of renewing my medical … Continue reading When Life Doesn’t Imitate Art